Aphantasia: People

mark lawrence

Since this condition is understudied there may be people who don't know that they have aphantasia, but there are some who do. This includes Mark Lawrence, a fantasy author. He wrote "The Broken Empire" series, and has won an award for his novel, "Emperor of Thorns". He was born in the U.S. in 1966, and moved the the UK when he was young. He is married with four kids. In he was nominated, but shortlisted, for the Nobel Peace Prize as a contributor to a North Carolina reform committee.

Another person who has aphantasia is Peter Watts, a science fiction author and scientist. He was born in 1958, and is Canadian. He has written many novels his first being "Starfish" in 1999. He earned a Ph.D from the University of British Colombia from the department of zoology and resource ecology. He has held many academic research and teaching positions, ad has worked as a marine biologist.

edited image of peter watts